Don't buy or order from StickerMule

Don't buy or order from StickerMule

In today’s world, businesses need to be more mindful than ever about their marketing strategies and the values they represent. Recently, TMB made the pretty easy decision to stop using StickerMule, a company TMB once trusted for high-quality stickers and promotional materials. This decision was not made lightly but was a necessary stand against unethical marketing practices that crossed a line TMB cannot ignore.

The Incident

StickerMule recently engaged in a marketing campaign that spammed their customers with SMS and email promotions for a highly controversial and divisive figure, a convicted felon, Donald J. Trump. While companies have the right to choose their marketing strategies and political alignments, there is a fine line between expressing support and aggressively pushing a political agenda onto customers. This campaign felt invasive, disrespectful, and deeply troubling.

Why This Matters

Invasion of Privacy: Receiving unsolicited SMS and emails from a company, especially about a topic as polarizing as political endorsements, is a blatant invasion of privacy. Customers provide their contact information for transactional purposes, not to be bombarded with political propaganda.

Ethical Boundaries: Businesses must maintain ethical standards, especially in their marketing efforts. By choosing to promote a figure known for spreading hate and division, StickerMule has crossed an ethical boundary that many of us find unacceptable.

Customer Trust: Trust is a cornerstone of any business-customer relationship. When a company exploits that trust to push a controversial agenda, it undermines the very foundation of their relationship with their customers.

Taking a Stand

TMB’s decision to stop using StickerMule is a stand against unethical marketing practices and the misuse of customer information. It’s a stand for the values TMB believe in—respect, privacy, and ethical conduct in business. TMB encourage others who feel similarly to consider their own values and the companies they support.

Alternatives to StickerMule

If you’re looking for alternative companies that align more closely with ethical marketing practices, here are a few suggestions:

StickerGiant: Known for their quality and customer service, StickerGiant maintains a neutral stance in their marketing efforts.

Moo: While a bit pricier, Moo offers high-quality products and a focus on customer satisfaction without political endorsements.

Vistaprint: A reliable name in the industry, Vistaprint offers a wide range of products and maintains a professional and respectful marketing approach.

Final Thoughts

It’s crucial for businesses to remember that their customers are diverse and have varying beliefs and values. Respecting this diversity and maintaining ethical standards in marketing is not just good practice—it’s essential for building and maintaining trust.

TMB hopes this post sheds light on the importance of ethical marketing and encourages businesses to consider the impact of their strategies on their customer base. As consumers, we have the power to support companies that align with our values and to hold accountable those that do not.

Thank you for reading, and TMB look forward to supporting businesses that respect their customers and uphold ethical standards.


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